Seventh Annual: Society for Cinema and Media Studies
Undergraduate Conference
Hosted by Muhlenberg College
April 11-13, 2019
The seventh annual SCMS Undergraduate Conference invites undergraduate students from Film Studies, Media Studies or related disciplines to propose papers representing their best work in cinema and media studies. At the conference, students will deliver papers on any aspect of cinema and media history, criticism or theory. We also welcome scholarly submissions in formats other than traditional papers, such as audio visual essays. Each participant will have 15 minutes to present their work--approximately 2,000-2,100 words presented at a normal talking speed with a few visual aids.
Any student who wishes to participate in the conference should submit a completed proposal form which will include a 200-word abstract--not complete papers. The submission form can be downloaded HERE. A panel composed of Muhlenberg College faculty will select 30 proposals for acceptance to conference and then will organize those proposals into thematically-linked panels. Selected conference participants must agree to attend all three days of the event: an opening reception on Thursday evening (4/11) and two full days of panels on Friday (4/12) and Saturday (4/13).
Registration for the conference is free but students are responsible for organizing their own transportation and accommodations. The conference organizers will provide recommendations for local accommodations and transportation options. Students are encouraged to seek travel funding from their home institutions to defray the costs of travel and lodging. The conference organizers will provide lunch on Friday and Saturday, dinner on Friday and refreshments.
The deadline for proposals is Friday, February 1, 2019. Completed proposal forms should be sent via email to “[email protected]” with “SCMS-U 2019” in the subject line of the email. For more information, please contact either Dr. Elizabeth Nathanson ([email protected]) or Dr. Amy Corbin ([email protected]).
This conference is sponsored by the Society for Cinema and Media Studies and by Muhlenberg College’s Media & Communication Department and Program in Film Studies.