The Labyrinth of Desire


Poster art of Labyrinth of Desire
Sept 29-Oct 1, 2023
in the Baker Theatre
by Caridad Svich
directed by Troy Dwyer & Leticia Robles-Moreno

In Caridad Svich's contemporary queer adaptation of Lope de Vega's Spanish Golden Age comedy La Prueba de los Ingenios, high-stakes telenovela glamor meets classical romantic calamity. An honest-to-goodness gender nonbinary romantic lead goes undercover, and gets way more than they bargained for! A ravishing heroine and a suave hero both learn that love and sex aren't as clear-cut as they thought! Intuition! Infatuation! Betrayal! And a sly challenge to the boundaries of fluidity and desire...


Friday, Sept. 29 @ 8 pm
Saturday, Sept. 30 @ 2 pm
Saturday, Sept. 30 @ 8 pm
Sunday, Oct. 1 @ 2 pm

Content Advisory:

This is not a play about suicide. However, the play starts with a melodramatic exclamation related to suicidal ideations, a rhetorical device that occurs a few more times in the play. Though no character appears seriously intent on self-harm, we acknowledge the impact that this topic has had and could have on LGBTQ audiences and ensemble members. This play is for trans, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming folks to see a glimpse of a brighter, more inclusive future.


This production has closed.


All performances will feature Open Captioning for Deaf and hard of hearing patrons. Open Captioning provides the audience with an electronic text display to the side of the stage, displaying lyrics, dialogue, and sound effects in real time.

For accessible seating tickets and further information, please email the box office.