'Berg New Works 2024


Poster art for Berg New Works

An Evening of New Plays by Muhlenberg Playwrights

Artistic Director: Gabriel Dean

by Ally Duvak ’22
directed by Jessie Dean
The editor-in-chief of a college newspaper manages a divisive newsroom as the impending 2016 presidential election looms over the United States. While all eyes are on the national stage, the editor-in-chief finds herself grappling with cataclysmic events closer to home. 

Feature Video

The Haunting of Hartfield Hall
by Lottie Segal ’23
directed by Jim VanValen

Lee has just moved into Hartfield Hall, the all-girls dorm at the prestigious Claremount Academy. Gender norms, high school idiosyncrasies, and a persistent ghost push Lee to come to terms with his transgender identity and assert himself in his own life. 

Feature Video
Feature Story Production Photos


Thursday, Feb. 29 @ 8 pm
Friday, March 1 @ 8 pm
Saturday, March 2 @ 2 pm
Saturday, March 2 @ 8 pm
Sunday March 3 @ 2 pm

Playwrights in Conversation:

The audience stayed for a conversation with the playwrights following selected performances:

-in-chief, with playwright Ally Duvak
     Friday, March 1 @ 8 pm
Haunting, with playwright Lottie Segal
     Saturday, March 2 @ 2 pm

Content Advisory:
-in-chief heavily discusses sexual assault and sexual harassment. It also contains themes of homophobia, misogyny, and racism. There are no violent acts depicted on stage, but they are referred to in dialogue.
The Haunting of Hartfield Hall contains occasional loud and abrupt noises.


This production has closed.


All performances will feature Open Captioning for Deaf and hard of hearing patrons. Open Captioning provides the audience with an electronic text display to the side of the stage, displaying lyrics, dialogue, and sound effects in real time.

For accessible seating tickets and further information, please email the box office.