Global Education Policy
Explore the Office of Global Education's policy regarding the programs, procedures, fees, academic and behavioral guidelines.
Muhlenberg’s Office of Global Education (OGE) believes in the transformative value of global learning experiences. Academic experiences away and abroad are high-impact and experiential, with far-reaching benefits for students of all majors. These experiences expand world perspectives by opening minds to varied cultures, traditions, and ways of knowing different from one’s own. The OGE aims to foster collaboration, mutual learning, and respect among people of alternating backgrounds and perspectives, promote sustainability within local and global contexts, and cultivate justice through immersive practices or engagement abroad and away. The OGE coordinates international opportunities for Muhlenberg students, facilitates faculty-led study abroad programs, provides information and support for faculty and staff international development, promotes the internationalization of the curriculum, and supports F1 international students. Global Education at Muhlenberg is committed to promoting intellectual rigor and agility, and creating opportunities for ethically and morally conscious global citizens prepared to contribute solutions to the world’s complicated challenges.
Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE): Help people gain understanding, acquire knowledge, and develop skills for living in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world.
Forum on Education Abroad: The Forum focuses on developing and implementing standards of good practice, encouraging and supporting research initiatives, and offering educational programs and resources to its members.
The Institute of International Education (IIE): Fosters mutual understanding, develops global leaders, and protects academic freedom worldwide through educational exchange and training programs.
National Association of Foreign Student Advisers (NAFSA): A member organization promoting international education and providing professional development opportunities to the field.
Pennsylvania Council for International Education (PaCIE): Advocate for international education, support collaborative projects, provide important professional development and networking opportunities to college and university faculty, administrators and students.
Explore the Office of Global Education's policy regarding the programs, procedures, fees, academic and behavioral guidelines.