One of the most transformative classrooms for Muhlenberg students is the one that’s nowhere near campus.

Studying off campus broadens horizons, fosters cultural understanding, and prepares students to thrive in a highly interconnected world. At Muhlenberg, we encourage students from all majors and minors to study abroad. This can mean taking an entire semester or year's worth of classes at one of several hundred institutions around the world, completing coursework with a Muhlenberg faculty-led short-term or long-term study abroad, or spending time exploring a region of the United States through a domestic study away program. The Office of Global Education is dedicated to ensuring that students and faculty have access to these life-changing experiences.

Muhlenberg Students and Faculty Win Awards and Recognitions!

For the 2024-2025 academic year in Study Abroad, Muhlenberg students and faculty were awarded the following:

Student Scholarships and Awards: 5 DIS Scholarships - $2500, $1500, $3000, $2000, $3000; Gilman Scholarship - $3500; 2 IES Scholarships - $2000, $6000; Muhlenberg Huebner Annual Award at Honors Convocation; Muhlenberg Hanson Annual Award at Honors Convocation
Research Assistanships: "Biological Pest Control in Agriculture" with DIS in Denmark"Self-Identity and Human Relations" with DIS in Denmark (2 students)
Directed Research: "Marine Ecology" with SFS in Turks & Caicos
Internships: Dublin, Ireland with AIFS in Media & Communication; Buenos Aires, Argentina with IFSA in Psychology & Neuroscience; London, United Kingdom with CAPA in Media & Communication 
Service Learning: Santiago, Chile with CIEE for a Spanish Service Learning Project
Professor Kassandra Hartford, Associate Professor of Music, Lutheran College Washington Semester 2025 Summer Consortium Fellowship
Professor Erika Sutherland, Associate Professor of Spanish, selected as Virtual Exchange Academy participant in the Stevens Initiative at the Aspen Institute

An Unforgettable Experience

Students who study abroad or away can experience a shift in perspective that opens the door to intellectual and personal adventures. Find out more about the opportunities available at Muhlenberg.

Getting Started


Short-Term Abroad


Semester and Full Year Abroad



From the Source

A college student stands in front of a stock ticker and video board that says Muhlenberg Investment Society
A young adult in a pink shirt and bucket hat looks to the distance while standing in a neighborhood full of colorful homes and other young adults nearby.
A young adult stands on a rock outcropping, staring out at the choppy waves of a blue-grey sea.
A college students dressed in a winter coat and scarf smiles while standing under an overhang decorated with festive holiday lights.
A college student in a black winter coat smiles while standing in front of Buckingham Palace in London.
A college student with long red hair poses with her arms outstretched outdoors, alongside a river with the London Bridge in the distance.

“I was on the fence about studying abroad … I’m happy that I made the decision to go because it afforded me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone, to handle adversity, to learn a new culture.” — Markus Vottero '25 , Finance Major, Economics Minor Read Vottero's Story

“We were really immersed into the culture and got to hear a variety of perspectives from people with various identities living in South Africa.” — Jessica Rosen '24 , Sustainability Studies Major and Innovation & Entrepreneurship Minor Read Rosen's Story

“Having the guidance, motivation and education from a Muhlenberg professor helped me get a better grasp on what it meant to be abroad and how to successfully navigate that experience.” — Joe Romano '23 , Film Studies, Media & Communication Double Major, Documentary Storymaking Minor Read Romano's Story

“Living and learning in Maastricht broadened my horizons, truly deepening my understanding of what it means to be a global citizen.” — Erica Borbi ’25 , Accounting Major, Public Health Minor APPLY TO STUDY ABROAD

“Doing my first internship in a different country really helped me gain so much experience and knowledge in the career field that I’ll be going into in the future.” — Esther Bonnah '25 , Public Health Major APPLY TO STUDY ABROAD

“I was able to learn from working theatre professionals ... and see how what we were learning was being used onstage. I know I will be taking everything I learned with me back to Muhlenberg and beyond.” — Isabella Castillo '25 , Theatre and Media & Communication Double Major APPLY TO STUDY ABROAD

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Contact Us

Office of Global Education

Address Muhlenberg College Office of Global Education 2400 Chew Street Allentown, PA 18104