Dear Class of 2018,

Congratulations!  We wish you well as you complete your time at Muhlenberg and move on to your next adventure.

To prepare for Commencement in May, we are asking for your input.  Provost Kathy Harring will read your name during the ceremony, and she would like to make sure that she is pronouncing it correctly.

The College has acquired software called NameCoach to help with pronunciation.  For this to work, each student will need to speak their name clearly into the app.  This is then stored and can be used by the Provost to listen to how you say your name.

So, please follow the directions below.  You will only be able to say your name once, so plan accordingly.

  1. When you speak your name, say it exactly as it will appear on your diploma.  (e.g. if you included your middle name, be sure to include it).
  2. Speak your name clearly, so that it can easily be understood.
  3. Go to the following url:

Thanks for your help!  And best wishes for your future.

Deborah Tamte-Horan