Fit-Friendly Worksite – Gold Level Recipient
It is truly an honor to announce that Muhlenberg College has been recognized as a Fit-Friendly Worksite in Allentown, PA. For those of you not familiar with the Fit-Friendly Worksites Recognition program, it is an award given by the American Heart Association’s My Heart. My Life. initiative. It is intended to be a catalyst for positive change in the workplace across America and right here in Allentown, PA. It recognizes worksites for making the health and wellness of their employees a priority.
We have been recognized at the Gold level, which means that:
- We offer all employees physical activity support at the worksite.
- We have increased the number of healthy eating options available to you at the worksite.
- We promote a wellness culture at the worksite.
- We embrace at least nine criteria as outlined by the American Heart Association in the areas of physical activity, nutrition and culture.
As a Fit-Friendly Worksite, we are corporate trailblazers who have adopted the spirit of the initiative and have the vision to try improving the health and wellness of employees and the worksite.