The Associate Dean of Academic Life is accepting applications from students seeking to present, exhibit, or perform scholarly work previously completed or expected to be completed in the 2024-2025 academic year.  The project must be authorized by a faculty member.  You should consult with that faculty member about appropriate local, regional, and national conferences or other venues where you might present or perform.

Students who are interested in applying should fill out and submit the Student Travel Request Form, along with a typed abstract describing the project.  The abstract should normally be the same one you submit to the conference and should not exceed 500 words.  The language must be clear and precise.  You will want to have your faculty sponsor review at least one draft of the abstract. 

If you will be driving and need help computing the mileage cost, please email Rita Carsillo-Dieter at [email protected]

Requests are due no later than April 30, 2025 for travel prior to August 24th, 2025.  Funds will be distributed until gone. The form will route to Kammie Takahashi, Associate Dean of Academic Life for approval.

You will be expected to send detailed receipts to Ms. Carsillo-Dieter within two weeks of attending the conference. If you have any questions about the required receipts, please contact Ms. Carsillo-Dieter before your conference.

Please note:  Limited funding of up to $100 is available if you are traveling to a conference, but you have not been accepted to present, perform, or compete. If your project has been accepted by the conference, travel support of up to $500 may be awarded, pending acceptance.

Contact the Dean

Dean of Academic Life

Address Muhlenberg College Dean of Academic Life 2400 Chew Street Allentown, PA 18104