Quick Links: Emergency Preparedness Guidelines | Lockdown & Shelter-in-Place

The information provided are risk reduction strategies but they are not foolproof. There are no guarantees and nothing works all the time. It is our hope that these tips be used by you as a preparatory step towards your overall safety and in formulating your individual safety plan. While all scenarios cannot be covered these are some we feel could be helpful to you.
- Fire and/or Explosion
- Injury or Illness
- Crime in Progress/Civil Disturbance
- Earthquake
- Chemical or Radiation Spill
- Bomb Threat
- Armed Intruder
- Emergency Evacuation Procedure for Faculty, Staff, Students and Visitors
- Campus Emergency Communication Test Report
Fire and/or Explosion
- In the event of a fire or explosion:
- Sound any available fire alarms.
- Immediately call Campus Safety at 3110 or 3112. Give your name, location, and the extent of the problem.
- If the fire is small, attempt to extinguish it with a fire extinguisher.
- If the fire is large, evacuate the building via the nearest fire exit. *
- Additional suggestions:
- Do not panic.
- Do not run or use excited motions.
- Use stairways. Do not attempt to use elevators; they will shut down during a fire.
- Know in advance the locations of at least two fire exit routes.
- Be on the lookout for signs of smoke and fire.
- Know the locations of fire extinguishers and how to use them.
- Prevent fires through good housekeeping habits.
- If you use a fire extinguisher remember P-A-S-S:
- Pull the pin
- Aim the nozzle towards the fire
- Squeeze the handle
- Sweep the base of the fire
- Never turn your back on what you extinguished walk away backwards
- Notify Campus Safety – even if the fire is extinguished
* Upon evacuation of academic buildings, building occupants should gather in the following areas:
If the academic building is on the North side of Chew St. (College Center, Seegers Union, etc.), occupants should gather on the Front Lawn.
If the academic building is on the South Side of Chew St. (Trexler Library, Center for the Arts, Trexler Pavilion), occupants should gather on the lawn area to the east of the Library.
Injury or Illness
- Do not move an injured or ill person unless it appears to be a life-threatening situation.
- Call or, if possible, have another person call the Campus Safety Office at 3110 or 3112. Provide the dispatcher with as much information as possible regarding the nature of the injury or illness, and state whether or not the victim is conscious, etc. The Campus Safety Office will arrange for an ambulance if required and will also notify the Student Health Center and/or other emergency agencies.
- Return to the victim. Administer first aid or CPR if you are knowledgeable and you have such training. Keep the victim as comfortable as possible.
- Remain with the victim until the Campus Safety Officer arrives.
Crime in Progress / Civil Disturbance
- Do not attempt to apprehend or interfere with the criminal except for self-protection.
- Telephone Campus Safety at 3110 or 3112. Give your name, location and department. Advise the dispatcher of the situation and, if you are safe, remain where you are until contacted by an officer.
- If safe to do so, attempt to get a good description of the criminal. Note height, weight, sex, ethnic origin, approx. age, clothing, method and direction of travel, and name if known. All of this takes only a few seconds to notice and is of utmost help to the investigating officers. If the individual enters a vehicle, note the license number, make and model, color and any other noticeable characteristics.
- In the event of civil disturbance continue with your routine as much as possible. If the disturbance is outside, stay away from doors and windows. Unless threatened with physical harm, do not leave your work location until advised by a College official and/or their designee.
- Do not interfere with those creating the disturbance or with law enforcement authorities on the scene.
- If you are in a building, move away from windows and try to position yourself in a doorway or under a desk or table.
- When the tremors cease, or they are very slight, * evacuate the building in an orderly fashion.
- Use stairways - not elevators - during evacuation.
- If possible, Campus Safety personnel will assist in the evacuation of building occupants into open areas.
- Avoid positioning yourself under or next to objects that may topple, such as utility poles, trees, etc.
- Reassemble in a location as directed by your supervisor or by a Campus Safety Officer. Attendance will be taken to assure that all personnel are accounted for outside of your facility.
- Should you require evacuation assistance, please telephone the Campus Safety Office at 3110 or 3112.
* Upon evacuation of an academic building, building occupants should gather in the following areas:
If the academic building is on the North side of Chew St. (College Center, Seegers Union, etc.), occupants should gather on the Front Lawn.
If the academic building is on the South Side of Chew St. (Trexler Library, Center for the Arts, Trexler Pavilion), occupants should gather on the lawn area to the east of the Library.
Chemical or Radiation Spill
- Call the Campus Safety Office at 3110 or 3112 and give the following information:
- Type of incident (chemical spill, radiation hazard, etc.)
- Type of chemical, if known.
- Whether or not students are injured.
- Extent of injuries.
- Location of incident.
- Name and title of caller (student, technician, professor, etc.)
- * Pull the alarm and evacuate the building.
- Should the spill occur outside your building:
- Notify the Campus Safety Office of the incident and type of chemical, if known.
- Remain in your building unless ordered by Campus Safety to evacuate.
- Close all windows and turn off all outside air intake vents or fans.
- Leave your building only when told to do so, and travel away from the spill and in an upwind direction, if possible.
* Upon evacuation of an academic building, building occupants should gather in the following areas:
If the academic building is on the North side of Chew St. (College Center, Seegers Union, etc.), occupants should gather on the Front Lawn.
If the academic building is on the South Side of Chew St. (Trexler Library, Center for the Arts, Trexler Pavilion), occupants should gather on the lawn area to the east of the Library.
Bomb Threat
- Whenever a bomb threat is received over the phone, remain calm and write down the following information:
- The exact words of the caller.
- Location of the bomb.
- When the bomb is supposed to go off.
- Type of bomb, how it will detonate and who placed it, if stated.
- Write down a description of the caller's voice:
- Male, female, child or adult?
- Any background noise?
- Particular accent or inflection in the caller's voice.
- Your mental picture of the caller.
- Notify the Campus Safety Office, as quickly as possible, by phoning 3110 or 3112.
- Evacuation procedure:
- Unless you perceive the situation as life threatening, in which case you should evacuate immediately, wait for Campus Safety to arrive at the building. DO NOT activate the fire alarm to evacuate the building
- Take note of “suspicious” items as you exit the building but to not touch or move them if they do not belong to you.
- If an entire building is to be evacuated, Campus Safety normally will enter each classroom, lab, or work area and verbally inform occupants of the situation and ask them to evacuate in an orderly fashion. Remove only Items that belong to you and do not turn on or off any devices or lights. Do not pull the fire alarm to evacuate the building.
- Assemble in a location outside your building as assigned by your work supervisor or the Campus Safety Officers.
- Responsibility of individuals in classroom or lab:
- If directed by Campus Safety, ask room occupants to pick up all of their belongings and leave in an orderly fashion. Remove only items that belong to you and do not turn on or off any devices or lights. Do not pull the fire alarm to evacuate the building.
- Make a survey or the room before leaving it to detect any piece of equipment, article or object, which is not ordinarily there, making certain not to touch the unknown object.
- Relay this information to Campus Safety after leaving the building.
Armed Intruder
If you witness any violent intruder on campus at any time, as soon as you can do so safely contact Muhlenberg College Department of Campus Safety and Police at 484-664-3110. If possible, try to get away from the person and lock yourself in a secure area. If the individual is acting in a hostile or belligerent manner, call the Campus Safety, then call 911. There are no easy answers for what to do if confronted by a shooter, however it is recommended that you follow the 3 Outs protocol:
- Get OUT
- Lock OUT
- Take OUT
- Use exits or ground floor windows to leave the area immediately
- Evacuate to an area that can be secured or far enough away from the building to provide safety
- Look for areas that provide protection if shots are fired
Lock OUT
- Quickly gather others from unsecured areas
- Lock, barricade, or tie off the door
- Turn off lights
- Remain quiet and hide from view
- Silence cell phones
- Look for paths of escape
- Prepare next steps
Take OUT
As a last resort:
- Attempt to incapacitate the Intruder
- Use improvised weapons
- Work together: throw objects in unison
- Act with aggression
- Commit to your actions
Remember, there may be more than one active shooter and police will be actively looking for the intruder(s). Regardless of the location of a shooter incident, response personnel (i.e. Campus Safety and other law enforcement agencies) will be charged with resolving the situation. This means that the first response personnel will bypass anyone who is not the active aggressor. If you encounter response personnel do not approach them or engage in physical contact. Render aid to others as can be done safely. Requesting police assistance in providing aid to an individual will slow the response of law enforcement, who are tasked with stopping the aggressor.
When you see law enforcement responding to a shooter situation stay clear of their movement. If in a hall get close to the walls and put your hands where they can be seen. If you have information about the shooter (i.e. description, identity, location, and number of shooters) advise the responding officers that you have information and provide it to the police as quickly and accurately as possible.
Once the aggressor is located and stopped, additional law enforcement will assist with those who may be injured, while others will conduct a thorough search of the area. This may take considerable time, so be sure to wait for the “all clear” instruction.
Lockdown & Shelter-in-Place
A lockdown is a procedure used when there is an immediate threat to the building occupants and there is a need to stop access to all or a portion of the buildings on campus. In the event of a lockdown, “Lock Out” and secure yourself in a room and remain there until the situation has been resolved. This allows emergency responders to secure the students, faculty, and staff, address the immediate threat, render first aid if needed, and remove any innocent bystanders from immediate danger to an area of safe refuge. An "all clear" message will be sent once the area is deemed safe.
Shelter-in-Place: What it means to “Shelter-in-Place”
If an incident occurs and the buildings or areas around you become unstable, or if the air outdoors becomes dangerous due to toxic or irritating substances, or in the event of police activity in the immediate area, it is usually safer to seek shelter in the nearest building and remain there. “Shelter-in-place” means to make a shelter of the building that you are in and lock your doors until the situation has been resolved and you are notified that it is safe to go outside. An "all clear" message will be sent once the area is deemed safe.
Basic “Shelter-in-Place” Guidance
If an incident occurs and the building you are in is not damaged, stay inside in an interior room until you are told it is safe to come out. If your building is damaged, take your personal belongings (purse, wallet, keys, ID card, etc.) and follow the evacuation procedures for your building (close your door, proceed to the nearest exit, and use the stairs instead of the elevators). Once you have evacuated, seek shelter at the nearest building quickly. If police or fire department personnel are on the scene, follow their directions.
How You Will Know to “Shelter-in-Place”
A shelter-in-place notification may come from several sources, including Campus Safety, HRL Staff members, other College employees, APD, the federal or state government, or other authorities utilizing the College’s Omnilert and Alertus emergency communications tools. Notification will come in the form of a combination of text messages, email, College computer screens, alert beacons, and text to voice messages over fire alarm systems.
How to “Shelter–in-Place”
No matter where you are, the basic steps of shelter-in-place will generally remain the same. Should the need ever arise; follow these steps, unless instructed otherwise by local emergency personnel:
- If you are inside, stay where you are. Collect any emergency shelter-in-place supplies and a telephone to be used in case of emergency. If you are outdoors, proceed into the closest building quickly or follow instructions from emergency personnel on the scene.
- Locate a room to shelter inside. It should be:
- An interior room
- Above ground level; and
- Without windows or with the least number of windows. If there is a large group of people inside a particular building, several rooms may be necessary.
- Shut and lock all windows (tighter seal) and close exterior doors.
- Turn off air conditioners, heaters, and fans.
- Make a list of the people with you and ask someone (HRL Staff, faculty, or other staff) to call the list into Campus Safety so they know where you are sheltering. If only students are present, one of the students should call in the list.
- Monitor the Omnilert notification system for further instructions.