Study Abroad
Our students participate in study abroad throughout Asia on programs in Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Indonesia.
Students must choose six courses with at least three different prefixes, which may include a Senior Capstone independent study, designed in consultation with the program director and other Asian sudies faculty. Courses may be chosen from Special Topics listings and from among the regular College offerings listed below.
Students are also encouraged to supplement these course offerings with language study, offered on LVAIC campuses and through study abroad opportunities.
One semester of Asian language study may be counted toward the minor. See the program director for official approval of any course not listed below.
Our students participate in study abroad throughout Asia on programs in Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Indonesia.
ATH 282: Anthropology of China
ATH 387: Queer China
Studio Art:
ARS 212: Printmaking II: Japanese Woodblock
CHN 101: Elementary Chinese l
CHN 102: Elementary Chinese ll
CHN 203: Intermediate Chinese l
CHN 204: Intermediate Chinese ll
ECN 286: The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination
HST 124: Gender and Women in Chinese History
HST 276: Modern East Asia
HST 271: Introduction to Modern China
HST 391/392: The Mongol Legacy
Languages, Literatures and Cultures:
FRN 333: France and Asia
Media and Communication:
COM 205: Asian/American Media
MILA (Muhlenberg Integrative Learning Abroad):
Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh
Ecology and Religion in Japan
PHL 250: Philosophies of India
Political Science:
PSC 232/233: Governments & Politics of East Asia
Religion Studies:
REL 207: Religions of China
REL 208: Religions of Japan
REL 225: The Good Life in Buddhism
REL 282: Zen Buddhism
REL 314: Death and Desire in Tibetan Buddhism
REL 387: Gender and Sexuality in Buddhism
SOC 288: Politics and Economics in (Post)Modern Chinese Society
Asian Traditions:
AST 950: Senior Capstone Project
AST 970 : Independent Study in Asian Traditions