A major component in OML’s mission is the development and stewardship of brave spaces on Muhlenberg’s campus, fostering open and honest dialogue across difference. On this page, learn about the physical spaces, programs and partnering student organizations, which help us to fulfill this mission.

Comunidad, a student affinity organization focused on creating a community between community between Latine/x students across campus, held a dessert bar at the Multicultural Center.

Multicultural Affinity Groups:

OML currently advises 18 student organizations formed on the basis of cultural or identity affinity. As advisors, OML provides these groups with meeting space, leadership development in the form of retreats and trainings, and organizational support and troubleshooting. These groups provide service to the College by serving as another home-away-from-home for many of our students. These groups also serve as both advocates and educators through intentional programming and event planning.

  • African Student Organization
  • Asian Student Association
  • Black Students Association
  • Comunidad
  • Feminist Collective
  • International Student Association
  • Mayhem
  • Men of Color Network
  • Middle Eastern Student Association
  • Muslim Student Association
  • Muhlenberg Disability Advocacy Group
  • Poised Ivy
  • Queer Trans People of Color
  • SOL - Dances of the Latin and Caribbean Soul
  • South Asian Student Association
  • Students for Queer Advocacy
  • Students of Caribbean Ancestry
  • Women of Color Collective

Submit a Program or Resource:

OML invites students, faculty and staff to enrich our community's resources and program offerings. Please reach out to the Mulitcultural Center if you're interested in submitting an academic or cultural-based resource for our community or would like to bring in a speaker or event to campus for the enrichment of the community.