Table of Contents

Purpose and Scope

This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is designed to govern the use of information technology resources at Muhlenberg College. It aims to ensure that these resources are used effectively, securely, and in alignment with the college's academic and administrative missions. This policy applies to all individuals and entities granted access to Muhlenberg College's IT resources, including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, guests, and external partners. By outlining expectations and responsibilities, this policy seeks to protect the college's technological infrastructure, maintain compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and foster a productive digital environment for our entire community.

General Guidelines

Users of Muhlenberg College's IT resources are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the college's values and standards. All applicable federal, state, and local laws must be adhered to when using college IT resources. Users are responsible for all activities performed under their accounts and should strive to use resources efficiently and considerately. The primary purpose of these resources is to support the college's academic and administrative functions.


Muhlenberg College respects the privacy of its users but must balance this with the need to protect its IT resources and comply with legal obligations. Users should be aware that the college reserves the right to access, monitor, and review data stored on or transmitted through its IT systems. This may occur during routine maintenance, to address security concerns, or when there is reasonable suspicion of policy violations or illegal activities. The college commits to handling any accessed information with discretion and in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

Security Measures

Maintaining the security of Muhlenberg College's IT resources is a shared responsibility between the college and its users. The college implements various security measures, including firewalls, anti-virus software, and system monitoring, to protect against threats. Users play a crucial role in this security ecosystem and are required to take reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized access to their accounts. This includes using strong passwords, not sharing account credentials, and promptly reporting any suspected security breaches to the Office of Information Technology (OIT). The college reserves the right to implement additional security measures as needed to protect its digital assets and community.

Appropriate Use

Muhlenberg College provides IT resources to enhance and support its educational mission and administrative functions. Appropriate use includes activities related to academic coursework, faculty research, administrative tasks, and authorized extracurricular activities that align with the college's objectives. Users should exercise good judgment and consider whether their actions could negatively impact the college's reputation or resources. When in doubt about the appropriateness of an activity, users are encouraged to consult with the Office of Information Technology (OIT) for guidance.

Electronic Messaging

Electronic messaging, including email and other forms of digital communication, is a primary means of interaction within the Muhlenberg College community. Users are expected to use these tools responsibly and professionally. All electronic messages sent from college accounts should adhere to the same standards of professionalism and respect as other forms of communication. Users should be aware that electronic messages can be easily forwarded or archived and should exercise caution in their content and tone. Mass emails should only be sent for official college business and with appropriate authorization.

Individual Responsibilities

Each member of the Muhlenberg College community has specific responsibilities in relation to IT resource use. Users must safeguard their accounts and passwords, never sharing this information with others. It is important to log out of shared computers and secure personal devices to prevent unauthorized access. Users should regularly update their software and operating systems when prompted and use anti-virus software provided by the college. Promptly reporting any suspected security breaches, policy violations, or technical issues to the Office of Information Technology is essential. Users are also responsible for complying with copyright laws and licensing agreements when using college resources.

Prohibited Activities

To maintain the integrity and security of our IT resources, certain activities are strictly prohibited. These include, but are not limited to: unauthorized access or attempts to gain unauthorized access to college systems or data; sharing of passwords or using another person's account; use of college resources for commercial purposes unrelated to the college; interfering with or disrupting network users, services, or equipment; distribution of malicious software or engaging in any form of cybercrime; violation of copyright laws; sending harassing, discriminatory, or threatening communications; and excessive use of bandwidth for non-academic purposes.


By using Muhlenberg College's IT resources, users acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to comply with this Acceptable Use Policy. This acknowledgment forms part of the user's commitment to maintaining a secure, productive, and respectful digital environment at Muhlenberg College.

Policy Review

To ensure that this Acceptable Use Policy remains relevant and effective, it will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect changes in technology, laws, or college needs. This regular review process helps us stay current with the evolving digital landscape and the needs of our academic community. Users will be notified of any significant changes to the policy, and continued use of college IT resources implies acceptance of the current policy.

Last Revised: 09/20/2024
Contact Us

José Dieudonné

Chief Information Officer
Address Muhlenberg College Office of Information Technology 2400 W. Chew Street Allentown, PA 18104 2400 Chew Street Allentown, PA 18104