Frequently Asked Questions for Parents and Families

We know that you may have a lot of questions about the processes surrounding disability accommodations at Muhlenberg. You can always reach out to the Office of Disability Services for more information, but here you’ll find some of our families’ frequently asked questions.
When should the student notify the Office of Disability Services (ODS) about a condition that rises to the level of a disability?
There are no deadlines for the submission of paperwork in order to complete the eligibility process. It is recommended that an incoming first year student disclose to ODS after the decision date to attend Muhlenberg. If a student experiences a new diagnosis during a semester, the student should complete the application process as soon as the documentation is received from their medical professional.
In all cases, the student must disclose to ODS and engage in an intake interview with an ODS staff member. The ODS staff will then complete a determination of eligibility. The documentation must indicate a diagnosis which has significant limitations to a major life function. The process for determination of eligibility may take several weeks to complete, therefore, it is important to submit required paperwork as soon as possible. Please reference the Office of Disability Services website for the student to access Accommodate, software management system, and for additional information on the Documentation Guidelines.
What accommodations will my student receive?
Accommodation requests are discussed after the eligibility process is complete. Accommodations are determined case-by-case based on the documentation. The accommodations are reasonable, linked to documentation findings, and do not compromise the essential requirements of the course or program of study. The accommodations are not retroactive. A list of approved accommodations will be provided to the student through the Accommodate management system. Please note that students will need to complete accommodation requests at the beginning of each semester which are specific to the current courses.
How will the professors know about my student’s accommodations?
After the student completes the current semester accommodation request and the request is approved by ODS staff, the Accommodate management system will notify the faculty member of the approved accommodations specific to the course. The student and faculty member will be prompted to sign an acknowledgement of receipt. It is highly recommended that the student meet with the faculty member during office hours to review the accommodations relevant to the course and the implementation of the accommodations. Requests for accommodations that may alter the essential elements of a course or requirements of the major will need to be discussed with ODS staff in collaboration with the faculty member to determine if the request is a fundamental alteration to the requirements.
What is the process for requesting special housing accommodations?
Students must fill out the Special Housing Request located on the Accommodate management software located on OneLogin. Students must complete the application and upload documentation specific to the housing accommodation request. For new requests, the student will need to complete an intake interview with an ODS staff member. The Office of Disability Services convenes the Special Housing Committee to review the requests and provide decisions. Deadlines for the process are outlined on the application. The student must request the approved special housing accommodations for each upcoming school year prior to the deadlines. Past deadline requests will be reviewed if the student experiences a new diagnosis after the dates listed on the application.
My student had a second language waiver in high school. Will they get an exemption at Muhlenberg?
No general academic requirement at Muhlenberg College will be waived. In certain instances, however, a student may petition for an exception to academic policy and perhaps receive a course substitution or an option for a pass/fail designation. To request a petition, the student would need to write a detailed letter to the Dean of Academic Life requesting the consideration of an exception. The student will also need to confirm that current documentation is available to the ODS staff. An ODS staff member will be assigned the case and will complete an interview with the student. The ODS staff member will then present a report to the Dean’s Ad Hoc Committee. More detailed information regarding the process, see the full Exceptions to the Academic Policy.