Sense Of Belonging
Acclimate into and access resources from the college and surrounding communities leading to growth, acceptance, inclusion and the celebration of all unique identities.
Explore how the college life curricular approach is supporting students before they arrive on campus.
View and download a list of campus activities that connect with the five College Life Learning Domains
Acclimate into and access resources from the college and surrounding communities leading to growth, acceptance, inclusion and the celebration of all unique identities.
Identify personal purpose and develop the capacity to self-regulate one’s emotions, behaviors and thoughts while knowing when to engage resources appropriately.
Identify, articulate, and utilize individual values and assets to outline postgraduate pathways to personally defined success.
Cultivate thriving communities by challenging all members to differentiate between intention and impact, practice effective listening and communication skills and acknowledge and repair harm when needed.
Understand one’s identities and the evolution thereof; seek to learn more about the identities of others and to build affirmative communities with them; and contribute to positive change.