The Muhlenerg College Woman's Auxiliary offers educational and social opportunities for women in the Lehigh Valley and beyond. This welcoming community invites you to participate in the life of the Auxiliary. The group aims to build connections between the College and surrounding communities.
For over 100 years, the Auxiliary has proviced philanthropic support to Muhlenberg College. Each year the Auxiliary awards scholarships to current Muhlenberg students and provides financial assistance for Alternative Spring Break programs. In addition, the Woman's Auxiliary has provided financial support for the renovation of Seegers Union, Memorial Hall, Trexler Library and building of the Center for the Arts. Most recently, the Auxiliary helped the College refurbish the beautiful stained glass windows in Egner Chapel.
Woman's Auxiliary Advisory Board:
Jean Coughlin
Betty Ehrets
Rev. Elizabeth Haines '97
Frances Jennings
Carroll Marino
Veralee McClain
Marcia Stough '62
Contact Information: