Q&A: How a 2024 Alum Is Applying What She Learned at Muhlenberg to Preserve Open Space
After a summer searching the job market, environmental science and sustainability studies double major Anna Shigo ’24 began her role as the open space coordinator for Carbon County, Pennsylvania. Now she’s working to preserve the environment she grew up in, just north of Muhlenberg.By: Emma Northrop ’27 Wednesday, October 23, 2024 08:52 AM

At Muhlenberg, Anna Shigo ’24 was always busy. In addition to double majoring in environmental science and sustainability studies, Shigo served on the President's Committee on Sustainability, was involved in Greek Life and interned with Dining Services, helping to organize the hydroponic garden and Weigh the Waste program.
Shigo’s currrent position as Carbon County’s open space coordinator arose due to a 2022 ballot where residents approved spending up to $10 million on open space preservation. Passionate about the environment, Shigo never expected to find a job so tailored to her interests close to home. However, her busy (but fruitful) time at Muhlenberg gave her the confidence to take it on.
What drew you to the position as Carbon County’s open space coordinator?
Anna Shigo ’24 I had just been job searching since before graduation. I wasn’t even looking in Carbon County, because I didn’t think there would be anything for me. We had feelers out everywhere, and one of my dad’s friends said, “I think [I found] a job that your daughter can do.” I looked at it, and I was like, “Oh my gosh, this is so cool! I can’t believe they’re even doing something like this.” Right away, I put my application in.
When you started your position, did you feel prepared?
AS I felt prepared by Muhlenberg in the way that I was super willing to learn what I needed to know. When the information that I needed to learn was given to me, I could [use] that effectively while I work. … My first two weeks I was just given files and books and papers, and I’ve just been reading them. [It’s like I’m] back to school, but I’m at work!
“I was involved with a few different extracurricular activities, and almost any of those [activities] at Muhlenberg will teach you how to work with people with different perspectives and backgrounds than you. That’s a skill that I know I’ll carry with me all throughout life, and I’ll definitely be using here.”
—Anna Shigo ’24
What did you learn at Muhlenberg that you now use?
AS Critical thinking and time management skills, definitely. I was involved with a few different extracurricular activities, and almost any of those [activities] at Muhlenberg will teach you how to work with people with different perspectives and backgrounds than you. That’s a skill that I know I’ll carry with me all throughout life, and I’ll definitely be using here.
What’s your advice for Muhlenberg students interested in environmental science or sustainability, or for Muhlenberg students in general?
AS For environmental science students, my advice would be to take every class that interests you and get involved with extracurriculars — those that are very envi-sci involved or not. They’ll help you broaden your perspective, learn new things and challenge yourself in ways you didn’t know you were capable of. [And, when it comes to finding a job after college,] you’ll end up where you want to be. Don’t feel the need to do something you don’t think will make you happy.