Seven Muhlenberg athletes named to Sportsmanship Team
Seven Muhlenberg athletes were recognized for their behavior on the court, field and course with their selection to the 2016 Fall All-Centennial Conference Sportsmanship Team.Wednesday, October 19, 2016 08:43 AM
Established by the CC Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), the All-Sportsmanship Team honors a member from each squad who displayed good sportsmanship throughout the season.
The Mules who were honored were: (counterclockwise from top left, above) Tyler Smith, football; Alyssa Scott, field hockey; Anthony Calantoni, men's cross country; Allison Glass, volleyball; Nick Sarkos, men's soccer; Erin Shemeluk, women's cross country; and Claire Douglass, women's soccer
This article was originally published on, home of 'Berg athletic news.
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