Living Writers Series Concludes with a reading by Chris Ware, Award-Winning Graphic Novelist

Friday, November 15, 2013 03:35 PM
While attending the University of Texas at Austin, Ware published a regular comic strip in the student newspaper, which Art Spiegelman discovered. This led to Ware being published in RAW magazine.
Since his graduation, Ware has been published in the pages of New City and The Chicago Reader. These works have formed the bulk of material that he's been collecting in his regular periodical, The ACME Novelty Library which reached its 20th issue in 2010.
From both this strip and the periodical, Ware wrote the graphic novel Jimmy Corrigan - the Smartest Kid on Earth. This book received an American Book Award, the Guardian First Book Award, and the French comics award "L'Alph Art." In 2009 Jimmy Corrigan was named as one of the "100 Best Books of the Decade" by The Times (London).
Ware is also the author of The Acme Novelty Datebook (Volumes 1 and 2), Drawn & Quarterly (2003 & 2007), Quimby the Mouse(Fantagraphics, 2003), and was the editor of the 13th issue of McSweeney's(2005), and was the guest editor of Houghton-Mifflin's Best American Comics 2007. He is a contributor to The New Yorker, and was the cartoonist chosen to inaugurate the New York Times Magazine's "Funny Pages" section in late 2005.
He is currently at work on a long-form graphic novel, Rusty Brown. Ware's work has appeared in many national and international art exhibits, including the Whitney Biennial exhibit. He continues to publish his strips as he finishes them in the pages of the Virginia Quarterly Review. He was recently awarded the Hoi Fellowship by the newly formed United States Artists, a non-profit organization that makes direct grants to working artists.
His novel, Building Stories, was named one of the New York Times "10 Best Books of 2012," and was awarded the Lynd Ward Prize for Graphic Novel of the Year.
Living Writers, established in 1994, is a course offered through Muhlenberg College's English department once every three years that brings six established and emerging writers to Muhlenberg College. The students read their recent works and then interact with the authors directly as they visit campus for a day.
The writers come to class, have lunch with students and then give a public reading of their work in the evening.