Policy-maker and Scholar Delivers Talk for Election Series
Dr. Aaron David Miller, a Distinguished Scholar in the Middle East Program of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, will deliver a talk entitled “Gulliver’s Troubles: Reflections on American Power, Politics and Foreign Policy,” on Thursday, September 20 at 6:30 p.m. in Miller Forum, Moyer Hall.Monday, September 17, 2012 09:58 AM
This event, part of the series “Democracy and the 2012 Election” is free and open to the public.
Miller earned his Ph.D. in American Diplomatic and Middle East History from the University of Michigan in 1977. For two decades, he helped formulate U.S. policy of the Middle East and the Arab-Israeli peace process at the Department of State. After leaving the state department, Miller served as president of Seeds of Peace from January 2003 until January 2006. Seeds of Peace is a nonprofit organization that helps teenagers from regions of conflict learn the skills of peace-making. He then became a Public Policy Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Miller is the author of several books on Middle East politics. His forthcoming book is Can America have Another Great President? Miller has been a featured presenter at a number of prestigious institutions and events, including Harvard University, Columbia University and the World Economic Forum in Davos and Amman. His articles regularly appear in newspapers, and he often makes appearances on television and radio, which have included appearances on CNN, FOX and the BBC.
The series “Democracy and the 2012 Election” is the fifth nonpartisan election series coordinated by Muhlenberg’s department of political science since 1992. Co-sponsored and supported by a number of other departments on campus, the goal of the series is to offer the Muhlenberg and wider community an opportunity to examine critical issues linked to the 2012 presidential election.