Muhlenberg and Air Products Team Up With Local Non-Profits
Muhlenberg College and Air Products have announced the Air Products Community Internship Program.Monday, November 26, 2012 09:58 AM
This partnership, a collaboration between Air Products and the College’s Career Center and Office of Civic Engagement, is designed to benefit non-profit organizations in the Lehigh Valley and provide valuable internship experiences for Muhlenberg College students.
Five Muhlenberg College students are the inaugural recipients of the Air Products Community Internship. Starting this spring, each intern will work for 10 hours per week at non-profit organizations designated by Air Products. The interns receive a small stipend.
The spring cohort includes:
ARCH of Lehigh Valley: Andrea Johnston
Community Bike Works: Hannah Miller
Miller Symphony Hall: Courtney Haines
The Sanctuary of Haafsville: Megan Bollman
St. Luke's University Health Network - Community Health Department: Rachel Massar
"Air Products has always been one of the most civic-minded, engaged and philanthropic corporations in the region,” says Muhlenberg College President Randy Helm. “This is another example of a great community partnership between the College and Air Products, one that will benefit many non-profit organizations in the Lehigh Valley."
Through their participation in the internship program, students will engage in the community, gain experience in his or her intended career field, learn more about the world of non-profit organizations and serve a non-profit that could not have afforded to pay an intern without stipend donation.
Founded in 1940, Air Products has built a reputation for its innovative culture, operational excellence and commitment to safety and the environment. Their aim is to develop lasting relationships with their customers and communities based on human qualities: understanding their needs, doing business with integrity and honesty, and demonstrating a passion for exceeding expectations.
Founded in 1848, Muhlenberg College is a highly selective, private liberal arts college affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Muhlenberg experience is characterized by a deep sense of community and connection, intense student-faculty relationships and collaboration; small classes; passionate teaching and active learning; and powerful outcomes in terms of graduate school and entry-level career placement.