Poet Alan Michael Parker to read at ‘Berg
Pushcart Prize-winning poet Alan Michael Parker will give a reading at Muhlenberg College on December 1, 2010, in Miller Forum, Moyer Hall at 7 p.m.Tuesday, November 23, 2010 11:45 AM
This event is free and open to the public.
Parker is the author of five collections of poems, Days Like Prose, The Vandals, Love Song with Motor Vehicles, A Peal of Sonnets, and most recently, Elephants & Butterflies (2008). He has written two novels, including forthcoming Whale Man (2011) and Cry Unclue.
In April 2003, Parker received the 2003 Lucille Medwick Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America. He co-edited The Routledge Anthology of Cross-Gendered Verse and Who's Who in 20th Century World Poetry. His poetry has been featured in American Poetry Review, DoubleTake, The New Republic, and The Paris Review. Parker writes regularly for Salon.com, The Charlotte Observer, and The New Yorker.
Parker is an associate professor of English at Davidson College, N.C., where he directs the program in Creative Writing, and a Core Faculty member in the low-residency M.F.A. Program at Queens College.
Living Writers is funded by the Provost’s Office, English Department and Lecture and Forums Committee.