Muhlenberg’s Earth Week Annual Events

Muhlenberg College will celebrate Earth Week from on April 18-22.

 Wednesday, April 19, 2006 01:59 PM

Earth Week recognizes, explores, honors, and celebrates the countless treasures of our planet by getting people involved in activities to promote our wonderful environment. The students, facility, and staff of EnAcT have planned several events during Earth Week to encourage a more green-friendly Muhlenberg.

Events are as follows:

  • Tuesday 4/18: Keep Your Campus Clean Day!
    Pledge your environmental friendliness for the week and register to vote in Lehigh County.
  • Wednesday 4/19: Agriculture Day!
    Buy potted plants, taste test organic food, and visit the Garden Room for a delicious earth friendly dinner.
  • Thursday 4/20: Energy Day!
    Calculate your ecological footprint and learn about alternative energy.
  • Friday 4/21: Recycling Day!
    Learn about what Muhlenberg is doing and how you can help.
  • Saturday 4/22: Earth Day!
    Come out to the Arts Week BBQ from 4:45-6:45, bring a white T-shirt to tie dye, and be careful where you put your trash!