LVAIC Social Justice Conference Held At Muhlenberg College

The third annual Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges (LVAIC) Undergraduate Conference on Social Research/Social Justice and RJ Fellows Symposium will be held at Muhlenberg College on Friday, April 7.

 Thursday, March 30, 2006 01:59 PM

The day will combine presentations of student research, as well as roundtable discussions with prominent area professionals who are creating change in their respective fields and exploring the intersections of their professions and social justice.

The conference is co-sponsored by LVAIC, the Muhlenberg College department of media and communication and Muhlenberg’s RJ Fellows program. The RJ Fellows program prepares students who have exhibited particular intellectual and personal passion and aptitude for exploration of change in the world, including the nature of, adaption to, and engagement with such change.

All events are free and open to the public.

Schedule of Events:

8:30 – 9:15 a.m. – Research Session I

Social Justice in the Lives of Students: Two Case Studies, Moyer Hall, Room 202
“Turning green one home at a time,” Elana Alfred, Muhlenberg College
“So Why the Disconnect? How much do we know about ADHD?” Dana Swartz, Lafayette College

Critical Perspectives on Race and Class, Moyer Hall, Room 209
“Urban renewal or ‘Negro removal:’ Race and housing in Allentown, Pa,” Roberta Meek, The Wescoe School of Muhlenberg College
“Poverty (Mis)Perceived, Raymond Lahoud, Lehigh University
Moderator: Sue Clemens, department of history, Muhlenberg College

Exploring Identity, Moyer Hall, Room 109
“Regarding identity of the intercountry adoptee,” Sherry Spector, Muhlenberg College
“Documenting identity through digital storytelling,” Amy Chrzanowski, Jennifer Gutman, Tricia Conti, Matt Grimaldi, Muhlenberg College
Moderator: Kate Ranieri, department of media and communication, Muhlenberg College

9:20 – 10:20 a.m.—Roundtable Session I

The Business of Change, Moyer Hall, Room 202
Alan Jennings, Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley

Ending Enslavement and Exploitation in the Land of the Free, Moyer Hall, Room 209
Joy Zarembka, Break the Chain Campaign

10:30 – 11:30 a.m.—Roundtable Session II

Theater and Social Justice, Moyer Hall, Room 202
Teneice Divya Johnson/John Moletress, Theatre Outlet

Healthcare and Social Justice, Moyer Hall, Room 209
Abby Letcher, M.D., Lehigh Valley Hospital

11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. –Research Session II

Propaganda and Politics, Moyer Hall, Room 202
“How the Hun hates! British anti-German propaganda in World War I,” Hans Stomsdorfer, Muhlenberg College
“Cultural imperialism, cosmopolitanism, and American hegemony,” Meredith Williams, Muhlenberg College
Moderator: Jim Brancato, department of communications, Cedar Crest College

Representing Race, Class and Gender, Moyer Hall, Room 209
“Gender role stereotypes in three Disney films,” Emily Steginsky, Muhlenberg College
“Body image on Gilmore Girls,” Alexandra Raymond, Muhlenberg College
“Katrina: Pseduo events and grim realities,” Students in Race and Representation, Muhlenberg College
Moderator: Elizabeth Ortiz, department of communications, Cedar Crest College

Critical Readings: Research by RJ Fellows, Moyer Hall, Room 109
“(Dis)Covery and destruction: Ideologies of allegory in Edmund Spencer’s Faerie Queen,” Sarah Hunter, Muhlenberg College

“Where to Start,” Kristin Burkhart, Muhlenberg College

1:00 – 2:00 p.m.—Roundtable Session II

Communicating for Social Change, Moyer Hall, Room 202
Steven Bliss, freelance writer and social policy analyst

Tragedy’s Bait: Homeless Children and Education, Moyer Hall, Room 214
Russell Rooster Valentini, homeless liason, Allentown School District

Sowing Change: Healthy Soil, Healthy Food, Healthy People, Moyer Hall, Room 104
Paul Hepperly, Ph.D., The Rodale Institution

2:00 – 3:00 p.m. –RJ Digital Exhibit and Reception – Voices of Change, Miller Forum, Moyer Hall

This interactive exhibit and reception invites participants to watch and listen to digital stories produced by the graduating class of RJ Fellows in the context of their seminar, Cultures of Change. The authors will be on hand to discuss their work with visitors.

This event recognizes and honors the achievements of the first graduating class of RJ Fellows.