Muhlenberg College Students And Faculty To Host “Days For Darfur”

Muhlenberg College students, along with members of the faculty and administration, have planed a few days of events to raise awareness for the humanitarian crises in the Darfur region of Sudan.

 Friday, September 16, 2005 01:59 PM

The activities include a four-hour long concert on the front lawn of the college and a discussion with alumnus Andy Kent '01.

The concert, Sunday, September 18, from 3 – 7 p.m., will highlight some of the College’s top student musical ensembles and bands, including the Muhlenberg Dynamics, the Girls Next Door, and Indigo Sun. The concert will also include raffles and a picnic. All monies raised will be split between charities dealing with the crisis in Darfur and the victims of hurricane Katrina.

The college will also host a discussion lead by Kent, who is attending Columbia University where he is seeking a masters degree in public health. Kent, who recently returned from the Darfur region where he was working with International Medical Corps, will discuss his first hand experience with the crisis. The discussion will be held on Wednesday, September 21, at 7 p.m. in the Lithgow Auditorium to coincide with the Darfur: National Day of Action.

The United Nations estimates that in Darfur nearly 2 million people (out of a total population of seven million) have been displaced from their homes due to the ethnic cleansing and fighting between government forces and local militias. Moreover, since February 2003, of the total displaced population, approximately 200,000 people have been forced to move into northeastern Chad in order to escape the spiraling violence between the government of Sudan and various rebel factions.