Muhlenberg College Student Honored For Service To Hillel And Community
Stephanie Rosenau, a Muhlenberg College junior majoring in psychology and religion, was honored with the Morton R. and Myra D. Levy Hillel Leadership Award on April 25.Monday, April 26, 2004 01:13 PM
Stephanie Rosenau, a Muhlenberg College junior majoring in psychology and religion, was honored with the Morton R. and Myra D. Levy Hillel Leadership Award on April 25. The award is given by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley and consists of a $250 cash gift, a $250 subsidy for future conference attendance and a framed print from the Paint Peace series of children's art, created by children in the Lehigh Valley and in Yoav, Israel. Rosenau is one of four recipients of the Levy Award; other recipients include Benjamin Berlow and Sarah Kahn, Lafayette College, and Andrea Englander, Lehigh University.
The award is presented for outstanding leadership to Hillel, the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life, and for leadership in a broad range of campus activities and organizations. Rosenau serves as president of Muhlenberg's Hillel chapter and is an active member of Students Have a Real Effect (SHARE) and the Muhlenberg Activities Council.
Rosenau is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John E. Rosenau of Fort Washington, Pa.
Founded in 1848, Muhlenberg is a highly selective liberal arts college in Allentown, Pa.