Muhlenberg College Hosts Series Of Events On “Disease: Representation, Research & Rights”
The Muhlenberg College Center for Ethics will sponsor “Disease: Representation, Research and Rights,” a series of programs devoted to examining the ethical questions surrounding illness, the body, healing, and healthcare in a global context.Thursday, August 12, 2004 00:59 PM
The Muhlenberg College Center for Ethics will sponsor “Disease: Representation, Research and Rights,” a series of programs devoted to examining the ethical questions surrounding illness, the body, healing, and healthcare in a global context.
Each year, the Center for Ethics sponsors an intensive fall series designed to encourage discussion and reflection on a timely, pertinent topic. Center for Ethics programs are open to all members of the Muhlenberg campus and the local community. For more information on the series, visit
Programs sponsored by the Center for Ethics will include:
“Hate and the Uncanny Body: Treating ‘Rational Fear’ with Feminist Ethics; Or, the Strange Case of Nike and the Supreme Court”
September 7, 2004, 7:30 p.m., Miller Forum, Moyer Hall
This lecture/panel discussion, led by Dr. Diane Price Herndl, English professor at Iowa State University, addresses the fear and loathing that many people exhibit when faced with the disabled or ill body. Three Muhlenberg faculty will also offer comments on the presentation.
“Knowing Stephanie”
September 8, 2004, 4:30 p.m., Martin Art Gallery
Opening reception for a gallery show focusing on the work of photographer Charlee Brodsky, whose work, “Knowing Stephanie” documents one woman’s experience with breast cancer. The show runs through October 31.
“Closing the Global Equity Gap: Scaling Up Programs to Combat AIDS, TB and Malaria in the Global South”
September 14, 2004, 7 p.m., Miller Forum, Moyer Hall
This lecture by Paul Zeitz ’84, executive director of Global AIDS Alliance, looks at one of the central global justice issues of our time. Zeitz asks, what is America’s role in getting cost effective treatment programs and technologies to parts of the world where populations are being ravaged by disease?
“Fat Boys: The Unknown Story of Men and Fat”
September 22, 2004, 7:30 p.m., Lithgow Science Auditorium
For 3,000 years of recorded history in the West, the body of the overweight male was feared, loathed and sometimes admired. Dr. Sander Gilman of the University of Illinois, Chicago, will give a public lecture on the story of this fascination with men’s bodies, and the reasons behind the current obsession with women’s bodies.
“Sound and Fury”
September 28, 2004, 7 p.m., Miller Forum, Moyer Hall
Showing of the documentary film “Sound and Fury” and talkback with the film’s director, Josh Aronson. The film follows the story of two families who are trying to decide whether or not their deaf children should have cochlear implants. The program explores the various dimensions of deaf culture and how technology can be used to “cure.”
“Mass Media and Health—Are the Messages Good for Us?”
October 5, 2004, 7 p.m., Miller Forum, Moyer Hall
Dr. Nancy Signorielli of the University of Delaware will give a public lecture focusing on how the media, specifically television, as our nation’s common and constant storytellers, often present young adults with very unhealthy messages relating to drinking, smoking, violence and body image.
National Lee Denim Day for Breast Cancer Awareness
October 8, 2004
The Center for Ethics will co-sponsor campus-based breast cancer awareness efforts in conjunction with Assistant Professor Susan Kahlenberg’s Health Communication course.
“Rainforest Conservation and the Search for New Jungle Medicines”
October 26, 2004, 7 p.m., Miller Forum, Moyer Hall
Ehtnobotanist Dr. Mark Plotkin, well-known author of “Tales of a Shaman’s Apprentice” and, more recently, “The Killers Within,” a work that focuses on drug-resistant bacteria and new medicines from nature, will give this public lecture on the need for rainforest conservation.
Disabilities Awareness Week
November 1-5, 2004
Event schedule to come
“The Business if Healthcare in Pennsylvania: Medical, Legal and Patient Perspectives”
November 9, 2004, 7 p.m., Miller Forum, Moyer Hall
Healthcare professionals from the local community will debate various perspectives on issues such as medical liability, healthcare accessibility, physician responsibilities and patient’s rights.