Award-Winning Documentary Filmmaker To Speak At Muhlenberg College
Multi-award winning documentary filmmaker Josh Aronson will be at Muhlenberg on Tuesday, September 28 at 7 p.m. in the Miller Forum to present a showing of his acclaimed film, “Sound and Fury.”Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:43 AM
Multi-award winning documentary filmmaker Josh Aronson will be at Muhlenberg on Tuesday, September 28 at 7 p.m. in the Miller Forum to present a showing of his acclaimed film, “Sound and Fury.” After the film, Aronson will participate in a “talkback” discussion with the audience. Aronson’s appearance is sponsored by the College’s Center for Ethics.
In “Sound and Fury,” as one-year-old Peter Artinian’s cochlear implant is switched on, he hears his mother’s voice for the first time. Chris and Mari Artinian’s decision to give their deaf baby a cochlear implant ignites a bitter family feud. While the medical community and the general public celebrate the cochlear implant as a long awaited breakthrough in the treatment for the deaf, it is feared by many in the deaf community to be a threat towards their own cherished language and way of life. The program explores the various dimensions of deaf culture and how technology can be used to “cure.”
Aronson appears as a part of the Center for Ethics program “Disease: Representation, Research and Rights,” a series of events devoted to examining the ethical questions surrounding illness, the body, healing, and healthcare in a global context. Center for Ethics programs are open to all members of the Muhlenberg campus and the local community. For more information on the series, visit