Muhlenberg College will host "The People's Peace Process," a lecture and discussion by Michael Bavly and Forsan Hussein, Monday, April 15, 6:30, Red Door Café, Seegers Union lower level. The lecture is sponsored by Hillel, the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life. This event is not open to the public.Thursday, April 4, 2002 02:17 PM
Muhlenberg College will host "The People's Peace Process," a lecture and discussion by Michael Bavly and Forsan Hussein, Monday, April 15, 6:30, Red Door Café, Seegers Union lower level. The lecture is sponsored by Hillel, the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life. This event is not open to the public.
The crisis in the Middle East continues to escalate, with seemingly no end to the violence. There are no easy solutions, but at the heart of the struggle are the people-two of whom are presenting at Muhlenberg College, Michael Bavly and Forsan Hussein.
Bavly is Jewish and Hussein is Arabic-one is Palestinian, both Israeli citizens. Since November of 1999, the young men have been traveling across the United States to share their story by delivering a presentation titled "Palestinians and Israelis: The People's Peace Process." In this presentation, Bavly and Hussein briefly introduce themselves and describe coexistence projects they have been involved in. They focus on "the perception of the other" in relation to their conflict, by talking about stereotypes and how they have been dealing with them.
The young men believe that peace is inevitable: "We believe that our similarities by far exceed our differences, but more so, we believe that even when we disagree, we must stick together and work out our differences together," they say. "We are not interested in casting blame-we simply want to live and coexist in peace. No matter how great our suffering, our resolution and conviction is strong-we need each other in order to exist."
For more information about their project, visit