Fall Registration is Open until Friday, Sep. 3
If you are on a waitlist for a course that you no longer want, please drop yourself from that waitlist to make room for others.
Check out the frequently asked questions below!
This is kind of overwhelming - I don't know where to start!
The Getting Started in Workday checklists will guide you through the process of completing your onboarding, up to and including registration, as well as link to the help guides appropriate for each task.
Are there help guides or video tutorials?
Help Guides are found here: Student Help Guides
Video Tutorials are found here: Student Video Tutorials
I think I need a little more help - is there a way I can talk to someone?
Yes! We are offering a number of vitual labs where you can drop in and watch real-time demos and/or ask questions from the training team.
The live Google calendar below shows all of the upcoming virtual labs.
I just want to be able to register. Do I have to complete the onboarding tasks?
In short: Yes, onboarding tasks should be completed to ensure that your account will be up-to-date.
However, the only item on your onboarding list that will release the registration hold on your account is to submit your Academic Plan for Fall 2021 and have it approved by your Advisor(s).
NOTE: If an Academic Plan is not approved, you will not be released to register.
What is the Academic Plan?
- The Academic Plan is a tool for students to plan the upcoming semester by listing academic requirements they intend to complete and/or courses they intend to enroll in
- The plan is NOT the student’s official schedule. Students will need to formally enroll in all courses listed within the plan
- Students are required to complete and send their Academic Plan to their Advisor(s) for approval before they can register for courses
- Exception: GCE Accelerated Programs
Help! There's a hold on my account and I can't register! What do I do?
There are a variety of holds that can be placed on a student account that could prevent them from registering. You can locate any holds on your account by accessing your Academics Dashboard and view the My Holds section. This section will show any current active holds and allow you to view the Hold Reason, Description, Resolution Instructions, and Hold Type.
*REMEMBER: ALL students have a registration hold from the Registrar's office until your Academic Plan is submitted and approved by your Advisor(s).
My advisor approved my Academic Plan but the registration hold is still there. When will it be removed?
There is a process in Workday that is run at a regular cadence of every hour that will remove the hold - please be sure to allow time for this process to run. Do not wait until the day of registration to submit your Academic Plan for approval!
First-Year Students are advised to have their plan approved NO LATER than July 15.
Do I have to fill out an Academic Plan?
YES! This is very important! Your Advisor(s) approving your plan is what removes the Advisor Hold. You cannot register without this hold removed.
Please note: You cannot submit a blank plan - even if your Advisor(s) approves it, this will not release the Advisor Hold!
I created my Academic Plan and submitted it and my advisor approved it - I still have a hold. Why?
There could be one (or more) reasons for this:
- Make sure you actually entered courses onto your Plan - submitting a blank plan - even if your advisor approves it - will not release the hold
- Make sure you have entered your plan in Fall 2021 - entering a plan in another semester - even if your advisor approves it - will not release the hold
- Check your My Holds section of your Academic Profile to be sure that you don't have another hold that needs to be resolved (two common ones: Campus Safety and Business Office holds). If the hold is from another office, you will need to contact that office to resolve the issue and they can manually release the hold
What if I have questions about AP scores?
Please reach out to your Summer Advisor if you have questions about AP scores and registration.
How can I see my placement exam scores?
Scores are not viewable to students. You will want to discuss placement exams with your advisor who has access to them.
Please note: If you add a math course to your plan it will also tell you if you are not eligible if they select a course that doesn't match your placement.
When do I request a Pre-Requisite Override for a course I want to take?
- The Pre-Requisite Override process should only be used when a student has not met the course requirements (i.e. passed BUS 101 to take ACT 101.)
- The process will not let students choose a course section if they are, in fact, eligible, but:
- there is no space available or
- if they are currently enrolled (or possibly waitlisted) for the course
- The Pre-Requisite Override will not allow a student to request access to a course that is currently at full capacity. If a couse is at full capacity, the student should waitlist for the course and register for an alternate/backup course in the meantime
- The Pre-Requisite Override process will only populate for courses that you have not met the course requirements for. If you are trying to request a Pre-Requisite Override and the course you want isn't populating in the search, then one of the following would be why:
- You meet the course requirements for the course
- You have waitlisted the course
- You are already enrolled for the course
I want to register for 5 units but I wasn't able to.
First-Year Students may only register for a maximum of 4.5 units in their first semester.
Continuing Students may only register for a maximum of 4.5 units until Open Registration. Once Open Registration begins, a student may register for their additional course ad hoc.
I am trying to fill out my Academic Plan but I can't choose a course day and time.
The Academic Plan will only be built with courses, not with specific course sections. You will choose specific course sections when you build your Saved Schedule, which is what you will register from.
For more assistance with building your Academic Plan and Saved Schedule, please visit the Help Guides and Tutorials site.
I'm Undeclared and trying to add course requirements to my Academic Plan for the Major I want to declare, but I'm unable to do so.
You don't need to add the course requirement to your plan - just adding the course will suffice. You will want to make sure you discuss course requirements with your advisor, but it isn't necessary to indicate them on your plan.
I'm trying to add courses to my Academic Plan but I keep getting an error message telling me the course isn't offered. I've checked the Course Offerings and I know it will be available.
You will always see this error message when building your Academic Plan - you can ignore it! The Academic Plan will pull courses from every course that has been or will be offered at Muhlenberg - literally thousands of them!
- Helpful Hint: Make sure you have another tab open with the current course offerings pulled up in Workday so you can be sure that your Academic Plan will reflect courses that are being offered in Fall 2021.
How do I find out which First Year Seminar I am registered for?
- Note: Some students will take this course in Fall 2021 and some will take it in Spring 2022 - please be sure to check which semester your FYS has been registered for to ensure you are planning to register for the appropriate number of units for the Fall 2021 semester.
- Workday-->Academics Dashboard -->Planning & Registration -->View My Courses-->My Enrolled Courses
I submitted my Academic Plan and it was approved by my advisor but I now want to make changes. Will my advisor need to reapprove my plan?
You will not need to have your plan re-approved by your Advisor in order for you to be able to register, but we recommend discussing any changes with your advisor, to ensure that your proposed plan will meet your needs towards graduation requirements.
Will the Start Registration button just show up when it's time for me to register?
The Start Registration button below your Saved Schedule will be active at your registration date and time - you will not see it prior. However, if you are already waiting in Workday on the date of your registration prior to your registration appointment, you will want to refresh your page to ensure the Start Registration button is visible.
First-Year Student Registration opens on July 19 at noon (US Eastern Time)
I created a Saved Schedule first and now I'm trying to create my Academic Plan so my advisor can approve it. How can I turn my Saved Schedule into an Academic Plan?
While you can automatically convert your Academic Plan into a Saved Schedule, using the Create Schedule From Plan function, you cannot use your Saved Schedule to automatically build your Academic Plan. You will need to use your Saved Schedule as a guide to individually input courses into your Academic Plan.
Please visit the Help Guides and Tutorials site for more information.
I thought I submitted my Academic Plan to my advisor but they say they haven't received it and I still have an Advisor Hold.
- Check to be sure that you specifically used the Request Plan Approval function from your Academic Plan screen. You must use this function to then indicate the plan you are sending for approval - be sure the plan is for the Fall 2021 semester.
- If you are certain that you sent the plan and your advisor does not have the inbox task to approve it, please have your advisor contact [email protected] as there may be a business process correction that needs to happen.
Important notes:
- If you submit a blank plan, the Advisor Hold will not release, even if your advisor approves it.
- If you accidentally create and submit a plan for a semester other than Fall 2021, the hold will not release, even if your advisor approves the plan.
- For continuing students, if you are a double major, both major advisors must approve the Academic Plan.
I am currently on a leave of absence this semester but will return for Fall 2021. How do I request to return?
Use the Search bar in Workday and, in the upper left-hand corner, and type 'request return leave of absence'. You can then fill out the web form and submit to have your return approved.
I am on a waitlist for a course - should I try to register for another course as a back-up?
Yes! As there is not guarantee that you will be enrolled into a waitlisted course, you should always register for an alternate course.
First-Year Students should be successfully enrolled for 4-4.5 units plus the PPD course (Foundations of Student Success) by July 31.
Some important notes about waitlist:
- If you waitlist a course, the waitlisted course will not count towards your 4.5 maximum units to enroll.
- If you are offered a seat in a waitlisted course, you will get a Workday inbox notice - you must check your Workday inbox frequently to be sure you do not miss this notice. You only have 24 hours to accept or refuse the offered waitlisted course before it is offerd to the next student on the waitlist.
- If you are offered, and accept, a seat in a waitlisted course, and now need to drop an alternate course, you can do so via the Planning and Registration section of your Academics Dashboard.
I am on the waitlist for a course - how can I tell where I am on the list?
There is no way for a student to view where they are on the waitlist. If you are offered a seat in a waitlisted course, you will receive a Workday inbox notification - you have 24 hours to respond to this notification before the seat is offered to the next student on the list.