Rebekkah Brown '99
A letter of gratitude from the Vice President of Advancement.
July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018
What an amazing year it has been at Muhlenberg. With new approaches in engagement thanks to a College-wide strategic plan, we broadened our scope and reach to all of you through enhanced programming.
The impressive accomplishments of our alumni this past year made us proud. From groundbreaking pediatricians to WWII historians, Muhlenberg graduates span the globe and the spectrum of contributions to the human condition. And proudly, our student/faculty collaborations resulted in undergraduate research that rivals many of the nation’s top graduate programs in both the arts and sciences.
Because of you, we raised over $2M for The Muhlenberg Fund, with alumni participation increasing every year - a strong sign of confidence and commitment. The Henry Melchior Muhlenberg Society grew to over 700 members, and the Parents Council contributed more than $167,000. Gifts to this fund are unrestricted, allowing the College to determine how best to support most programs on campus. For our students and faculty, this means that everything from financial aid to internships to research have a healthy reserve.
Because of you, we saw a record turnout for #MULEMENTUM, our fifth annual day of giving in November 2017, for Alumni Reunion Weekend in September 2017, and again for THAW in January 2018.
Because of you, 87 percent of our students attend the College thanks to financial aid, which means we are recruiting the best and the brightest regardless of their ability to pay. Because of you, 86 percent of our students have a four-year graduation rate, which exceeds national retention by 25 percent. And because of you, more than 60 percent of our students learn from the world campus on a study abroad program, carrying the Muhlenberg tradition of excellence into communities far and near.
On behalf of all Muhlenberg students, faculty and staff, I thank you for this banner year.
Rebekkah L. Brown '99
Vice President, Advancement
A letter of gratitude from the Vice President of Advancement.
Taj Singh '19
Dennis Williams '97
Curtis Dretsch
KeriLyn Burrows '72
Rev. Raymond and Joyce Hittinger P'04, P'00, P'91
Joseph '53 and Barbara Jorda
Sarah Efronson '07
Nicollette Amico '18
Gary Pershad '18
Student Report
View this video to see how much the 2018 classes raised.
Seven alumni honored in 2018
Hollabaugh Award in Theatre
Every program, every opportunity, every student