The following updates were made after the Summer Study schedule was published in mid-March.
HST-333-82 *Cancelled 7/8/22
PSY-383-82 *Cancelled 7/8/22
- PSY 490 is now section 82 *Updated 5/5/22
- PSY 383-82 Special Topic: Psychology of Performance, Summer II, On-campus MW 6:00-9:20 *Added 4/29/22
- PHL 105-82 Conduct & Character, Summer II, Asynchronous *Added 4/29/22
- HST 333-82 Amerian Military History, Summer II, Asynchronous *Added 4/29/22
- LLC 282-82 Special Topic: Travel and Pilgrimage Across Cultures - Summer II, 1:00-4:20 *Added 4/11/22
- PHY 122-98 is Physics II and not Physics I as shown on pages 8 and 12.