BIO 184-60: Life on Earth & Air Quality
This course will examine the scientific evidence documenting the impact of human produced air pollutants on the biosphere's plants, animals, and microorganisms and the sustainability of the natural systems that support them. Students will study not only the evolution of earth's atmospheres upon which all earthly life depends but also the atmospheric changes humans have caused that interact with the earth's inhabitants and processes. Human activities are changing both the troposphere and stratosphere, resulting in negative impacts on plant (including food production) and animal health, climate, precipitation chemistry, and stratospheric ozone layer composition. The course will explore the possibility of life on other planets in relation to atmospheric composition and other characteristics (e.g. soil, water, oxygen) essential for life as we currently know it. This course, in conjunction with PHY-183, Astronomy:Environ Beyond Earth, satisfies the IL requirement. Meets general academic requirement SC and is a cluster course and a linked (IL) course with PHY 183-60, Astronomy: Environment Beyond Earth.
PHY 183-60: Astronomy: Environment Beyond Earth
This course will examine the possible objects both within our solar system and beyond it that might sustain life. Students will view our planet as the third planet from the sun but only one of 8 planets orbiting one out of a billion stars in our galaxy that is only one of a billion galaxies in the universe or multiverse. The course will include a study of the structure, motions, and evolution of these planets, moons, stars, and galaxies. Topics of special interest include impact of the sun on the earth's atmosphere and magnetic field, cosmology, and astrobiology. This course, in conjunction with BIO-184, Life on Earth & Air Quality, satisfies the IL requirement. Meets general academic requirement SC and is a cluster course and a linked (IL) course with BIO 184-60, Life on Earth & Air Quality.
EDU 212-90: Theory & Practice of Teaching English Language Learners
The purpose of this course is to prepare preservice teachers to create equitable learning environments for emergent bilingual students (often referred to as English learners) in preK-12 school settings. In doing so, the course content is approached from a transformative paradigm, where we engage in analysis of school systems, program, and instructional approaches for emergent bilinguals and critique the ways in which schools and teachers maintain linguistic hierarchies. In doing so the course draws from the research on instructional design and assessment, applied linguistics and second language acquisition, sociology of language, and anthropology of (language) education. Topics covered include linguistic racism, language ideologies, culturally sustaining pedagogy, translanguaging pedagogy, co-teaching and sheltered instruction, and integrated language and content instruction. Students will be expected to develop theoretical knowledge as well as demonstrate practical skills through analyzing, planning, and delivering lessons. Twenty hours of fieldwork in a K-12 school are required. This course, in conjunction with GEO-102, World Geography, satisfies the IL requirement. Prerequisite: Provisional admission to the program. Meets general academic requirement DE, is a cluster course and a linked (IL) course with GEO 102-90, World Geography.
ENG 180-80: Literature of The Civil War
A study of the literature that was written in and around the time period of the United States of America's Civil War. Writings from both the North and the South, and issues of national tension are explored. Among possible writers studied are: Whitman, Poe, Twain, Bierce, Douglass, and Stowe. Meets general academic requirement HU and is a cluster course with HST 235-80, American Civil War & Reconstruction.
ENG 255-80: The Renaissance Imagination
A study of the writing and other popular art forms of Renaissance England, with attention to the newly articulated stress on self and the emergence of Tudor England as a world power. Alternate years. Meets departmental Genealogies approach. This course, in conjunction with HST-219, Renaissance Humanism, satisfies the IL requirement. Meets general academic requirement HU, W, CL and is a linked (IL) course with HST-219, Renaissance Humanism.
GEO 102-90: World Geography
This course offers an introduction to the basics of physical and cultural geography, including climate, vegetation, landforms, language, economy, and religion, and the study of physical and cultural geographical features of the various regions of the earth. In addition, the course examines human, theoretical, and physical geographic structures of world regions while questioning thoughts and experiences with and of geographic understandings. The course intentionally integrates investigation of educational systems and geographic curriculum into geographic inquiry. This course, in conjunction with EDU-212, Thry/Prac: Tch Eng Lang Lrnrs, satisfies the IL requirement. Meets general education requirements SL and DE, the cluster requirement and is a linked (IL) course with EDU 212-90, Theory & Practoce pf Teaching English Language Learners.
HST 219-80: Renaissance Humanism
The course will, through readings, discussions, videos, images, music, etc., introduce the student to the main themes, writers, and intellectual currents in religion, politics, philosophy, culture, aesthetics, economics, and manners, during the period of the Renaissance, c. 1300-1527. The students will be introduced to a wide variety of subject matter, concerned with an arrangement of topics and various methods of historical inquiry. When the students have finished the course, they will have an introductory knowledge suitable for pursuing more fully discrete subjects for further study. This course, in conjunction with ENG-225, The Renaissance Imagination, satisfies the IL requirement.
HST 235-80: American Civil War & Reconstruction
This course examines United States history from the coming of the American Civil War through Reconstruction, focusing on the causes, the war itself, its aftermath and consequences. The dramatic political, social, and cultural events surrounding the war, the end of slavery, and the reconfiguration of American society afterwards continue to define us even to this day. Why does the war remain a touchstone in the United States? How did the Civil War change American society? What issues remain unresolved? These guiding questions underlie this course’s exploration of the Civil War era. Topics to be covered include: the role of slavery in American politics, sectional conflict in the 1850s, women’s war efforts, the experience of battle for both soldiers and civilians, Native Americans and the war in the West, and the rise of white supremacy and Jim Crow in the post-war South. Meets general academic requirement HU and is a cluster course with ENG 180-80, Literature of The Civil War.