The Crist Family Student Research Fellowship This fellowship provides a stipend to support 2 students in either independent or collaborative research with a faculty member of the psychology department. The research idea must be student-directed but can be independently proposed by the student or could be related to a faculty member's research program. Students are expected to take primary responsibility for advancing the research.
The Rosenberg Research Award This award provides a stipend to a psychology student who is engaged in research that is developmental in nature (either directly or indirectly). The research idea must be independently proposed by the student or could be related to a faculty member's research, but may not be the faculty member's research.
The Dr. Linda L. Bips Memorial Scholarship Awarded to a rising senior who exhibits excellence in the personal qualities and interpersonal skills essential to the clinical practice of psychology and plans to attend graduate school to pursue clinical practice.
The Carol E. Hutchinson Memorial Prize For Research In Psychology Awarded to a student contemplating a career in psychology whose performance most clearly exhibits the inquisitive spirit and devotion to experimental research which was so prominent in Carol Hutchinson.
The Carl E. Grothehen Jr. Memorial Award For Excellence In Psychology Awarded to a student who best exemplifies the emergence of excellence through the study of psychology which was so notable in the progress of Carl Grothehen.
All research conducted with human participants at Muhlenberg College requires review from the Institutional Review Board (IRB). In some cases, such as when a research study poses minimal risk to participants, research may be eligible for expedited review through the Psychology department. Consult the website of Muhlenberg College's Institutional Review Board for more detail regarding the distinction between types of reviews and the IRB's role at the college.