Institute of Public Opinion
Learn more about Muhlenberg's top-ranked scientific-based research institute that tracks public opinion on key issues at the local, state and national levels.
Muhlenberg’s political science department seeks to educate and illuminate beyond the student body. Our highly engaged faculty lead several on-campus programs, organizations and event series that invite the campus community—and general public—to engage, discuss, debate and learn.
The field of political science is a dynamic and living one and current events shape it every day. In order to reflect this, our department marks significant newsworthy developments with speakers or roundtable discussions around current events.
Learn about some of our partnerships and programming.
Learn more about Muhlenberg's top-ranked scientific-based research institute that tracks public opinion on key issues at the local, state and national levels.
During every two-year election cycle, the political science department launches a series that seeks to explore the most critical issues emerging around the ballot box.
The Political Science Departments serves as the campus liaison for this international network of institutions and individuals who seek to protect scholars and promote academic freedom. Department faculty have taught SAR advocacy seminars, hosted visiting speakers and participated in advocacy week activities (both virtually and in DC).
This College partnership with the Humpty Dumpty Institute, an organization that aims to find solutions to global problems, helps foster a relationship with the United Nations, bringing speakers to campus and providing conference opportunities for students.