Jessica Alcheh
Walk That Staged Walk, Talk That Scripted Talk: Constructions of Hegemonic Masculinity in Television Alcohol Advertisements”
In an effort to communicate messages quickly and succinctly, television advertising often falls back on traditional gender norms and values. Specifically, alcohol advertisements often convey derogatory sexism and stereotypes for both men and women in which can be referred to as “Advertising sexism” (Jones & Reid, 2010,p.20). The depictions may be seemingly harmless, but there are consequences that can result from strictly adhering to social gender standards in portrayals of alcohol consumption. The frequent outcomes that occur are excessive drinking or binge drinking, alcohol dependency, sexual assault, especially in college, sexually transmitted diseases and other harmful public health effects. In a qualitative study, alcoholic beverage commercials were analyzed in terms of setting, characters, voiceover, and specific slogans. These advertisements demonstrated the overall hegemonic masculinity narrative concerning what measures must be upheld for a man to be considered the manliest of men, progress, and age in the “right” manner and path.