Paul Thaler
Richard Nixon and Television: A Successful Relation-
Although many Americans remember Richard Nixon as “Tricky Dick,”
a politician of questionable moral character who would do anything and
everything to advance his political career, few recognize his remarkable
influence in shaping the common practices of political television that is
seen today. In following Nixon’s use of television throughout his entire
national political career, it is apparent that Nixon’s relationship with the
media was a double-edged sword, both helping and harming his image
throughout his time in politics. Through analyzing Nixon’s successes
and failures in his television appearances, it is apparent not only that
Nixon had the best success in using television the more scripted the
event, but also that other influences within the media often contributed
to the public’s overall attitude toward the President. As television
became the most popular medium to reach the American public during
this time, it is clear through studying Nixon’s use of television that he
unquestionably transformed the operations of political campaigns,
and more generally, American politics as a whole.