Windows 7 and Windows Vista
The U.S. International keyboard layout and language-specific keyboard layouts are available in Windows, but not enabled by default. See below for the steps required to enable the U.S. International keyboard layout, for example. Note that the same steps can also be used to enable other keyboard layouts, such as those used in other countries.
- Click Start, type intl.cpl in the search box, and press Enter on your keyboard.
On the Keyboards and Language tab, click Change keyboards.
Click Add.
Click to expand English (United States) .
Expand Keyboard list, select the United States-International check box, and then click OK.
In the Default input language list, click English - United States-International, and then click OK.
Optionally, select US International from the drop-down menu at the top of the Text Services and Input Languages dialog box to make it your default keyboard layout.
Optionally, define hot keys for switching between input languages: go to the Advanced Key Settings tab, select an input language and click Change Key Sequence. Check the box by Enable Key Sequence, choose a key combination, and click OK.
Click OK to apply your changes and exit the Text Services and Input Languages dialog box.
In the Regional and Language Options dialog box, click OK.
The Language bar should appear on the taskbar. Click the Language bar, and then click United States-International on the shortcut menu that appears. Select English (United States) or another keyboard layout from the shortcut menu to switch back to that keyboard layout.
Note that the Language bar will now always be visible on your taskbar, unless you decide to remove it. To do so, right-click on the taskbar, go to Toolbars, and uncheck Language bar.
Guide to typing accented letters and other characters