Resources for Students & Faculty

Digital Tools
Professional Organizations
CALPER - Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research (Penn State)
MLA - Modern Language Association
ACTFL - American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
MACLAS - Middle Atlantic Council for Latin American Studies
AAAL - American Association for Applied Linguistics
CALICO - Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium
NEALLT - Northeast Association for Language Learning Technology
Did You Know That...
Muhlenberg College Copyright Policy
Career Resources for Foreign Language Majors
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
Writing Center
Oxford University Online Placement Tests
Muhlenberg College Placement Tests
Other Resources
Graduate Programs
Online Research Tutorials
LiveTV Online
LiveTV is a website with hundreds of TV stations that can be watched online for free. Browse stations by category or by country, or search by station title. A TV toolbar is also available for Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari.