Jill E. Stephen

Professor of English

Tel. 484-664-3312
Fax 484-664-3633
Office: Center for the Arts 243  
Email: [email protected]


  •      1986  PhD, English Literature, New York University
  •      1975  Master of Arts, English Literature, New York University
  •      1969  Bachelor of Arts, English and American Literature and Rhetoric, University of Illinois

Select Awards, Publications and Presentations:

Donald and Anne Shire Distinguished Teaching Professor Award

Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching

Co-Author, Writing Analytically, 8th edition (Cengage 2019)

Co-Author, Writing Analytically with Readings, 3rd edition (Cengage 2019)

“George Herbert:  Poet and Priest,” two lectures presented at Nativity Cathedral, Bethlehem PA, Fall 2007

“The Eureka Phenomenon:  Some Metaphors for Thinking in the Writing Classroom,” a workshop for faculty given with David Rosenwasser at Indiana University, 2008

“Reading, Writing, and Conversing,” a workshop for faculty given with David Rosenwasser at Ohio State University, 2008

“Thinking Writing,” a faculty workshop given with David Rosenwasser at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, spring 2008

“Thinking Analytically: From Observation to Implication,” featured address at Cengage Writing  Conference, Austin, TX , October, 2007

“Reading Analytically: Foregrounding the Metacognitive,” a two-day workshop given with David Rosenwasser at Ohio State University, August, 2006

“Conversing with Texts,” a two-day workshop given with David Rosenwasser at Indiana University, September, 2005

“WAC, WID, and Comp: Shifting Boundaries? Or Keeping the W in WAC” at the National Conference of Writing Across the Curriculum, June, 2001, Indiana University at Bloomington

Manuscript Review of “Exploring the Impact of a High Stakes Direct Writing Assessment in Two High School Classrooms” for Research in Teaching English, 1999

Manuscript Review of “The (Un)Fortunate Evolution of Composition at the First Land Grant University” for Research in Teaching English, 1997 (with Jill Stephen)

“Trevor, McGahern:  Prophecy and Memory.” A paper delivered at a session on Contemporary Irish Short  Fiction at the Midwest Modern Language Association Convention, November, 1997

“Such Porcelain Lives:  Emily Dickinson and the Secret Language of Childhood,” A paper presented at NEMLA (Northeastern Modern Language Association) Conference, April 1994


Dr. Stephen’s primary field is English Renaissance literature – Renaissance Imagination, Lyric Traditions, Milton and the Age of Revolution.  She also writes about writing and the teaching of writing; she currently co-directs Muhlenberg’s cross-curricular writing program and its peer tutoring Writing Center.  She is especially interested in poetry and offers courses in both the reading and writing of it:  Poetry and the Imaginative Process and seminars on Emily Dickinson and on Frank O’Hara and the New York School.