Center for Ethics

2011 Dana Forum Videos


Center for Ethics

Opening Remarks


Center for Ethics Issues of Food Labeling
Presenters: rachel Albert, Blair Blum, Brittany Sanford, and Lisa Tenenhaus


Center for Ethics

Health Research in the Media: Perception and Reality
Presenters: Margaret Bernhard, Jason Boulter, and Robert Torphy


Center for Ethics

The Ethics of Science Fiction
Presenters: Kenneth Boyle, Samuel Gottheim, Rachel Gutman, and Amanda Nocera, Matthew Polhemus

Center for Ethics

The Great Equalizer? Analyzing Disparities Between Lehigh Valley Schools


Center for Ethics

Conception of Nature of Science as a Function of Educational Background
Presenters: Jillian Bevacqua, David Gasalberti, Dylan High, and William Konicki


Center for Ethics

Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Advertising of Prescription Durs and Public Health in the United States
Presenters: Melissa Shapiro, Ethan Simon, and Lauren Spirko

Center for Ethics Transhumanism: Transcending Human?
Presenters: Alayna Golden Martin and Danielle Zito