Student presentations will be judged by two judges. First and second place award winners will be selected from each division. Judging guidelines for the presentations are as follows:

Maximum pointsEvaluation Category
30 Presentation: Judges will evaluate organization, quality of oral delivery, poise, clarity of explanations, and appropriate use of visual aids. If time runs out on a speaker before the completion of the presentation, there will be a deduction. *
15 Research Project: Judges will evaluate the relevance of the project, including the case that is made for carrying out the work, and the potential contribution of the project to the field of chemistry.
15 Design of the Investigation: Judges will evaluate overall experimental design, including the appropriate use of experimental techniques, the creativity of the approach taken, and the completeness of the experimental investigation.
20 Interpretation of Data and Conclusions: Judges will assess the efficiency and clarity of the presentation of the experimental data, the accuracy and completeness of the data analysis, and the strengths of the conclusions drawn.
20 Response to Questions: Consideration will be given to the student's ability to answer questions correctly and concisely. Each student will be asked questions.

*The time limit for all presentations is 12 minutes, and each speaker will be alerted when two minutes remain in their talk. A question period of 3 minutes will follow each presentation. Any remaining time can be used for changing rooms to hear other talks.


Address: 2400 W Chew St, Allentown, PA 18104

Parking: ISCC guests are welcome to park in any space marked for faculty and/or students.  The lot behind Trumbower Hall (building 5 on the map) will be most convenient.  Guests should walk around the building and enter through the front door, facing Chew St. and the campus green.