Virtual Recruiting Opportunities
We appreciate your interest in recruiting Muhlenberg students. Because of the continued restrictions on gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to limit the amount of in-person interaction with external visitors. We invite you to explore the virtual recruiting options below:
Virtual Interviewing
Schedule times to interview students for your open position(s). We can post your job or internship ahead of time which will allow you to pre-select resumes and set your schedule for the day. We will provide targeted marketing for your open positions. Our recruiting calendar runs from late-September to early-December, and mid-February through early-May. To request a virtual on-campus interview date, please contact Chiquita Griffin, Director of Employer and Alumni Engagement [email protected]
Campus Virtual Presence
The Career Center can assist you in hosting and promoting a virtual information session as a means of relaying job/internship or career information to students. Employers can create a virtual meeting using their own technology (Zoom, GotoMeeting, etc.) and create an Event in Handshake to advertise the Info Session to students. For assistance, please contact Chiquita Griffin, Director of Employer and Alumni Engagement [email protected]
The Career Center
2400 Chew Street | Allentown, PA 18104 | (484) 664-3170
[email protected]