Muhlenberg Opens Doors

Our faculty lead students to reach further, to achieve their goals and to effect change in the professions and passions they pursue.

A Community That Supports You

At Muhlenberg, we live to learn. And you'll learn to thrive.

Lawn chairs on the grounds of campus
A student sits near an instructor on a couch at a college coffee shop as they review content on an open laptop between them.
A student working in the lab
Two students interacting with each other

An Education for Everyone

No matter what your pathway to higher education, Muhlenberg College is ready for you.

Students walk down a tree-lined sidewalk on a college campus with banners that read Muhlenberg.
Two adults smile while sitting at tables in a classroom, with open laptops in front of them.
An adult in a black dress shirt speaks at a chalkboard while another adult standing at a desk with a computer looks on in the distance.
A group of students, smiling and laughing, squeeze together on a couch.
A few students walking along pathway underneath signage that reads

Connect With Our Campus Community

Stories of Impact

There's no one way to be a Mule

Learn about the many paths and passions our students and alumni explore.

Muhlenberg Voices

From the Source

A young adult in a black leather jacket, white shirt, gold chain and glasses speaks to the camera.
An adult in a black leather jacket grins, hands in pockets, on the streets of a large, crowded city.
An adult with curly shoulder-length hair, wearing a sweater with a Philadelphia Eagles logo smiles at the camera.
A Black woman with brown hair and athletic attire standing in a grassy field neutrally posing for a picture.
A young adult in a checkered shirts smiles at the camera from behind a microscope in a science lab.
A young adult woman stands, arms outstretched, on a high elevation lookout, with blue mountains stretching into the distance.

“Muhlenberg provides a lot of support in different ways. I came here wanting to be a part of a family, and I’m constantly reminded that that’s the support I’m offered, whenever I need it.” — Sean Quaye '25 , Finance and Psychology Double Major

“I had the freedom to make mistakes and I made a lot of them. I also had the freedom to learn about music beyond the classroom on a daily working basis as the music director for a time.” — David Fricke ’73 , Award-winning Music Journalist Read about WMUH

“I was really impressed by the inclusivity on campus and how there was such a focus on ensuring that every person really belonged.” — Marci Martinez-Howey ’25 , Masters of Organizational Leadership and DEIB Certification

“When I first entered Muhlenberg, I was undecided. The opportunity to take diverse classes played a significant role in helping me narrow down my options to public health and environmental science.” — Christina Dalton '24 , Public Health Major, Environmental Science Minor Read Dalton's Story

“I truly would not be in this position if it wasn’t for the mentorship I’ve received at Muhlenberg.” — Raivat Shah ’23 , Premed Biology and Anthropology Double Major Read Shah's Story

“From studying abroad, I gained a newfound appreciation for how important it is to really spend time in a place.” — Sam White '23 , Political Science and Sustainability Studies Double Major; Fulbright Scholar Read White's Story


The Muhlenberg Red Doors

Step Through Our Red Doors