
Our comprehensive assessment process engages faculty and staff across the entire campus in order to measure progress towards our stratgic priorities.  Assessment at Muhlenberg is collaborative and team-based.  

Academic Program Assessment

Academic programs, which include all major and minor programs of study, undergo annual assessment.  These assessments are managed by two faculty members who serve as Academic Program Assessment Coordinators.  Each academic program has a designated Departmental/Program Assessment Coordinator who is responsible for the creation and implementation of the program’s annual assessment. Academic Program Assessment Coordinators hold an Assessment Workshop each year, provide support to departmental assessment coordinators as they prepare reports, and provide feedback to Departmental Coordinators about their assessment plans and results.  The Assessment Coordinators also direct faculty to external resources and attend conferences on academic assessment. The work is overseen by the Dean of Institutional Research, Assessment and Effectiveness.


Administrative and Educational Support Program Assessment

Administrative and educational support program assessment engages staff serving vital college functions that support the student experience, as well as faculty and staff operations.  An eight-person Administrative Assessment Committee oversees annual assessment including support to administrative offices as they prepare reports.  The Committee hosts an annual workshop for department-level assessment coordinators and directs staff to external resources to assist with program assessment. The Committee is supported by the Dean of Institutional Research, Assessment and Effectiveness and the Coordinator for General Academic Assessment.   


General Education Assessment

All general education requirements are assessed periodically by a faculty led committee appointed by the Provost.  The committee responsible for the assessment is comprised of 3-4 faculty teaching courses within a designated requirement.  The completed assessment reports are used by the Academic Policy Committee as they consider changes to learning outcomes or changes to the general education curriculum.  The Coordinator of General Education Assessment oversees these assessments.