A Progressive Vision

Following the graduation of Muhlenberg’s first cohort of black students in 1952, black enrollment remained low through the next fifteen years. Students during this period included class president Dr. Bill Wormley, Jr. '57, Robert E. Lee '57, and Hall of Famer Clinton W. Jeffries '59.

Muhlenberg recognized that active efforts must be made if the student body were to become a diverse and rich campus community. Over the next few decades, several initiatives were developed, refined and reworked to make Muhlenberg a more inclusive place that represented and celebrated the experience of our black community members.

Throughout this time period, the contributions and voices of students, faculty and staff complimented the efforts of College administrators to recruit and retain people of color to our campus. You’ll read about several of those efforts today; they represent the aspirations of our past and include several programs that have grown and continue to flourish today.