Peer Educators at Muhlenberg


Muhlenberg College Peer Educators are student leaders who empower their fellow students to explore healthier lifestyles. Peer Educators accomplish this through education, role modeling, advocacy, and collaboration with campus academic, student life, and community resources.  Through engagement with Peer Educators, students will be more efficacious in informed decision-making, thereby promoting agency with accountability. All peer educators approach their practice through a diversity, equity, and inclusion framework.


Teaching healthier lifestyles through peer connections.


In order to be a Peer Educator, each member must commit to be an active member of their group, and must adhere to the following minimum requirements:

  • Students who are interested in joining a peer education group must apply and interview in order to be accepted.
  • Each member must attend the 16 hour NASPA Certified Peer Education training and pass certification exam. (Cost of NASPA CPE training and certification covered by Muhlenberg College.)
  • Weekly meeting attendance is mandatory; 24 hours’ notice is required for missed meetings. Two excused absences are permitted per semester - greater than two may result in  a meeting with facilitator and leaders for discussion.
  • Members are expected to participate for at least 3 semesters (these may be non-consecutive). Those who are unable to participate may have to reapply and/or re-interview.
  • Each member should select a position or committee within their specific group.
    • Suggested positions (or committee) are:
      • Group Leaders
      • Public Relations/Social Media Liaison
      • Funding and Budget
      • Recorder (Notes/Attendance)
      • Awareness/Table Campaigns
      • Event Coordinator
  • Each member must fulfill the mission of Peer Education at Muhlenberg.
  • Each member must be a positive role model for peers and in good standing with the college.
  • At the end of Fall and Spring semesters, all Peer Education groups will present an overview of their semesters' events.


“I value and know who I am, I am an individual, a friend, an educator, and activist, role model, and team member.  I am a peer educator.” (Source: NASPA CPE Code of Ethics)

Muhlenberg College Peer Educators will follow the moral principles of: 

  • Autonomy
  • Nonmaleficence
  • Beneficence
  • Justice
  • Fidelity

(Source: Kitchener’s (1984) Moral Principles)

Peer Educator Programs

student leaders who advocate for their peers to promote wellness of the campus community

Peer Health Advocates at Muhlenberg (PHAM)

student leaders who serve to promote the health and wellness of the campus community

Voices of Strength (VOS)

Peer-Led Healthy Sexuality and Relationship Education

Mental Health Peer Advocates (MHPA)

Students advocating for mental health awareness


Student Advocates for Inclusion and Diversity
Address Muhlenberg College Peer Educator 2400 Chew Street Allentown, PA 18104