Fire Safetybadge

Fire safety is of primary importance to the Department of Campus Safety and to all members of the campus community. Campus Safety and Plant Operations Staff are trained in the use of on campus fire equipment. Fire drills are conducted regularly and all residence halls are equipped with some detectors and other emergency fire equipment. Fire safety and security procedures are reviewed at the beginning of each academic year. Safety and security awareness programs, including fire safety, are made available to students. In addition, the Allentown Fire Department regularly inspects campus facilities to assure fire code compliance.

Know your emergency exits. There are fire safety instructions and egress charts posted on the back of every residence room door providing directions to follow. Read these notices and be familiar with the instructions. Be sure you have these items on your door. If they are not there call Campus Safety at extension 3110.

Know where the extinguishers and alarm pull stations are located in your residence hall and how to use them. Never play with the extinguisher or tamper with alarm systems.

A complete list of fire rules regulations is in the student handbook. The following is a list of items that are not permitted in the residence halls.

  • Candles
  • Hot Plates/Foreman Grills
  • Toaster Ovens
  • Popcorn Poppers
  • Heating Devices
  • Coffee Pots
  • Electric Fry Pans
  • Air Conditioners
  • Halogen/Multi-Arm Lamps
  • Incense
  • Gasoline
  • Charcoal
  • Propane
  • Fireworks
  • Explosives

Grills and hookahs may be used, however they need to be used outside of any college facility and grills may not be stored within any college facility. Disposal of the charcoal is very important. Charcoal must be disposed of in the appropriately marked red containers which can be found in various locations around campus.

A $300.00 fine will be assessed for the following violations:

  • Intentionally activating a fire alarm.
  • Discharging an extinguisher.
  • Tampering with or removing smoke detectors.
  • Removing egress plans from back of door.
  • Breaking glass on pull stations or extinguisher cabinets.
  • Failing to evacuate building when alarm sounds.

Please refer to your handbook and/or housing agreement for the full policy. Residential Services Personnel (including Head residents and R.A.’s) and Campus Safety Personnel will periodically check for violations.

Individuals who are identified as being responsible for intentionally activating the fire alarm and causing a false fire alarm are subject to a $300.00 fine, immediate interim suspension pending a judicial hearing, and/or criminal prosecution.

Know your emergency exists. There are fire safety instructions and egress charts posted on the back of every residence room door providing directions to follow. Read these notices and be familiar with the instructions. Be sure you have these items on your door. If they are not there, notify the Campus Police Department at Ext. 3110.

Know where the extinguishers and alarm pull stations are in your residence hall and how to use them. Never play with extinguishers or tamper with the alarm system. Lives depend on these devices functioning properly.

Residence Hall fires are most often caused by unattended open flames, heating devices or improper use of electrical cords. To be safe, see the list of restricted devices above and NEVER run an extension cord under a rug or use a cord that is frayed or worn.

Again, misuse of or tampering with fire equipment is a serious offense and subject to disciplinary action or criminal charges. More importantly, lives are placed in danger when someone pulls a false alarm.